Missing Details of Death

No specific death details are given for a substantial number of people in the scope of this project. This is because, quite simply, no death record was found. If a Census record showed the person's spouse as widow or widower, then at least a latest year of death can be stated, or if a marriage record showed a father as 'deceased' the same would apply. Any such indicated death dates are noted on an individual's record. Emigration was and still is rife in Co Leitrim; the same can be said of migration to other parts of Ireland. Consequently very many people died outside the county and, with few exceptions, their deaths have not been searched for.

Another cause of missing death details is that the searches could only look for people who died in the places they were known to live in, or perhaps in hospital where their home places were noted. With some very rare names, if the name of the person and the age at death both made sense, then some assumption that a correct record had been found could be made. But there are not many very rare names in Co Leitrim, and stated ages at death (see Ages at Death) are far from reliable, and for these reasons many more potential matching death records were found but not recorded.