Kiltoghert R.C.P.
Walsh, Robert (1879 - 1923)
Lenahan, Francis (1877 - 1954)
Lenehan, Edward (1871 - )
Lenihan, Honoria (1869 - 1952)
Maxwell, Bridget (1876 - )
Maxwell, Richard (1878 - )
Lenehan, Edward (1871 - )
Lenihan, Honoria (1869 - 1952)
Maxwell, Bridget (1876 - )
Maxwell, Richard (1878 - )
Cronogue, Bridget (1877 - )
Gill, Rosanna (1866 - 1931)
MacCrann, Francis (1864 - 1947)
MacCrann, Mary Anne (1905 - )
MacCrann, Peter (1902 - )
Rowley, Mary Anne (1875 - 1965)
Turbert, Elizabeth (1866 - )
Gill, Rosanna (1866 - 1931)
MacCrann, Francis (1864 - 1947)
MacCrann, Mary Anne (1905 - )
MacCrann, Peter (1902 - )
Rowley, Mary Anne (1875 - 1965)
Turbert, Elizabeth (1866 - )
Lisdromarea North
Cammell, Jane (before 1845 - 1925)
MacCrann, Agnes (1910 - )
MacCrann, Bridget (1894 - )
MacCrann, Catherine (1907 - )
MacCrann, Charles (1901 - 1901)
MacCrann, Josephine (1912 - )
MacCrann, Lily (1904 - 1928)
MacCrann, Margaret (1902 - )
MacCrann, Mary Ellen (1899 - )
MacCrann, Michael (before 1860 - 1933)
MacCrann, Rose Anne (1897 - )
MacCrann, William (1895 - )
Tiernan, Bridget (1867 - 1939)
MacCrann, Bridget (1894 - )
MacCrann, Catherine (1907 - )
MacCrann, Charles (1901 - 1901)
MacCrann, Josephine (1912 - )
MacCrann, Lily (1904 - 1928)
MacCrann, Margaret (1902 - )
MacCrann, Mary Ellen (1899 - )
MacCrann, Michael (before 1860 - 1933)
MacCrann, Rose Anne (1897 - )
MacCrann, William (1895 - )
Tiernan, Bridget (1867 - 1939)
Main Street, Carrick-on-Shannon
St Mary's R.C. Church
Brennan, Thomas (circa 1841 - )
Butler, Honor (before 1857 - )
Butler, Maria Jane (before 1857 - )
Carroll, Michael (before 1839 - 1921)
Costello, Agnes (1875 - )
Costello, Bridget H (1868 - 1946)
Costello, Ellen (circa 1853 - 1924)
Costelloe, Anne (circa 1845 - 1928)
Doherty, John (1883 - 1960)
Earley, Ellen (before 1891 - 1942)
Early, Mary (1883 - )
Gilbane, Rose (1902 - )
Gillooly, Ellen (before 1842 - 1917)
Kilbane, Elizabeth (1897 - )
Lavin, Jane (circa 1856 - 1942)
Little, Francis (before 1849 - 1921)
MacRann, James (1885 - )
Mannion, Hugh (1878 - )
Maxwell, Richard (circa 1834 - )
McGivney, Thomas (before 1858 - )
McGovern, Patrick (before 1901 - )
Moran, Margaret (1890 - before 1964)
Reynolds, Michael Patrick (1869 - 1933)
Roarke, Anne (circa 1854 - 1911)
Rourke, Bridget (before 1841 - 1930)
Shanley, John (circa 1827 - 1901)
Taylor, Edward (1882 - 1964)
Toole, Patrick (circa 1848 - before 1924)
Turbert, William (circa 1835 - 1907)
Woods, Michael (before 1854 - )
Butler, Honor (before 1857 - )
Butler, Maria Jane (before 1857 - )
Carroll, Michael (before 1839 - 1921)
Costello, Agnes (1875 - )
Costello, Bridget H (1868 - 1946)
Costello, Ellen (circa 1853 - 1924)
Costelloe, Anne (circa 1845 - 1928)
Doherty, John (1883 - 1960)
Earley, Ellen (before 1891 - 1942)
Early, Mary (1883 - )
Gilbane, Rose (1902 - )
Gillooly, Ellen (before 1842 - 1917)
Kilbane, Elizabeth (1897 - )
Lavin, Jane (circa 1856 - 1942)
Little, Francis (before 1849 - 1921)
MacRann, James (1885 - )
Mannion, Hugh (1878 - )
Maxwell, Richard (circa 1834 - )
McGivney, Thomas (before 1858 - )
McGovern, Patrick (before 1901 - )
Moran, Margaret (1890 - before 1964)
Reynolds, Michael Patrick (1869 - 1933)
Roarke, Anne (circa 1854 - 1911)
Rourke, Bridget (before 1841 - 1930)
Shanley, John (circa 1827 - 1901)
Taylor, Edward (1882 - 1964)
Toole, Patrick (circa 1848 - before 1924)
Turbert, William (circa 1835 - 1907)
Woods, Michael (before 1854 - )
Rodden, Mary (before 1864 - 1899)
Flynn, James (1913 - )
Kiltubrid R.C.P.
Bohan, Bernard (before 1858 - 1949)
Gill, Margaret (before 1858 - 1958)
Golden, Bridget Mary (before 1873 - 1946)
Leddy, Farrell (before 1857 - 1907)
MacNaboola, Ellen (before 1857 - 1912)
Gill, Margaret (before 1858 - 1958)
Golden, Bridget Mary (before 1873 - 1946)
Leddy, Farrell (before 1857 - 1907)
MacNaboola, Ellen (before 1857 - 1912)

Carroll, Maria A (1892 - )
Corderry Morton
Beirne, Patrick (1895 - )
Corderry Peyton
Canning, Catherine (1868 - 1915)
Conboy, Ellen (1880 - 1944)
Earley, Anne (1915 - )
Earley, Bridget (1917 - )
Earley, James (1885 - before 1944)
Early, Mary (1883 - )
McGovern, Bridget (circa 1841 - 1923)
Reynolds, Peter (1879 - )
Stenson, George (1880 - )
Stenson, James (1878 - )
Stenson, Margaret (1888 - )
Stenson, Maria (1882 - 1941)
Stenson, Thomas (before 1838 - 1894)
Stenson, Thomas (1872 - )
Tiernan, Anne (1882 - 1943)
Conboy, Ellen (1880 - 1944)
Earley, Anne (1915 - )
Earley, Bridget (1917 - )
Earley, James (1885 - before 1944)
Early, Mary (1883 - )
McGovern, Bridget (circa 1841 - 1923)
Reynolds, Peter (1879 - )
Stenson, George (1880 - )
Stenson, James (1878 - )
Stenson, Margaret (1888 - )
Stenson, Maria (1882 - 1941)
Stenson, Thomas (before 1838 - 1894)
Stenson, Thomas (1872 - )
Tiernan, Anne (1882 - 1943)
Kiltubrid R.C. Church
Horan, Eliza (before 1867 - )
Kennedy, Thomas (before 1847 - )
Mulvey, Mary (circa 1856 - 1923)
Mulvey, Patrick (before 1844 - 1908)
Kennedy, Thomas (before 1847 - )
Mulvey, Mary (circa 1856 - 1923)
Mulvey, Patrick (before 1844 - 1908)
Gallagher, James (circa 1852 - 1902)
Beirne, Agnes (1872 - 1904)
O'Beirne, Elizabeth (1896 - )
O'Beirne, Francis (1868 - 1940)
O'Beirne, Francis Patrick (1903 - 1903)
O'Beirne, James (circa 1836 - 1901)
O'Beirne, James (1904 - 1904)
O'Beirne, Joseph (1893 - )
O'Beirne, Mary (1894 - )
Reynolds, Maria (before 1872 - 1896)
O'Beirne, Elizabeth (1896 - )
O'Beirne, Francis (1868 - 1940)
O'Beirne, Francis Patrick (1903 - 1903)
O'Beirne, James (circa 1836 - 1901)
O'Beirne, James (1904 - 1904)
O'Beirne, Joseph (1893 - )
O'Beirne, Mary (1894 - )
Reynolds, Maria (before 1872 - 1896)
Drumad Moran
Booth, John (1875 - 1892)
Leddy, Bernard (1898 - )
Leddy, Bridget Alice (1902 - )
Leddy, Elizabeth Anne (1906 - )
Leddy, Farrell (before 1857 - 1907)
Leddy, Farrell (1900 - )
Leddy, James (1904 - )
Leddy, John Joseph (1899 - )
Leddy, Mary Jane (1905 - )
Leddy, Bridget Alice (1902 - )
Leddy, Elizabeth Anne (1906 - )
Leddy, Farrell (before 1857 - 1907)
Leddy, Farrell (1900 - )
Leddy, James (1904 - )
Leddy, John Joseph (1899 - )
Leddy, Mary Jane (1905 - )
Drumcong R.C. Church
Beirne, Agnes (1872 - 1904)
Beirne, Peter (before 1836 - 1902)
Bohan, Catherine (circa 1852 - 1927)
Canning, John (circa 1831 - 1924)
Canning, Michael (1866 - 1957)
Costello, Edward (1868 - )
Curran, Michael (before 1856 - )
Delamore, Thomas (circa 1843 - 1900)
Donohoe, Elizabeth (1881 - )
Doran, Anne (circa 1851 - 1915)
Farrell, Mary (circa 1849 - 1936)
Flynn, Thomas (before 1853 - 1932)
Foye, James (1866 - 1944)
Gill, Margaret (before 1858 - 1958)
Golden, Bridget (circa 1848 - 1924)
Golden, Bridget Mary (before 1873 - 1946)
Guckian, Francis (1866 - 1946)
Hegarty, James (1874 - 1911)
Keegan, Jane (1873 - )
Keegan, Mary Anne (1871 - 1943)
Kennedy, Peter (circa 1835 - 1891)
MacGerril, Marianne (before 1847 - )
McGirl, John (1876 - 1911)
McGovern, Bridget (circa 1841 - 1923)
McGuinness, Peter (circa 1841 - 1912)
McKeon, Bridget (circa 1842 - 1934)
McKeon, Catherine (circa 1848 - 1913)
McKeon, Mary Ellen (1878 - )
McNulty, Peter (1864 - 1944)
McWeeney, James (circa 1879 - )
Melia, Catherine (circa 1860 - 1926)
Murphy, John (before 1859 - 1926)
Murray, James (circa 1855 - 1933)
O'Beirne, Francis (1868 - 1940)
Reynolds, Bridget (1869 - 1950)
Reynolds, Maria (before 1872 - 1896)
Reynolds, Thomas (circa 1866 - )
Rodican, Anne (1876 - 1922)
Shanley, Bridget (1874 - )
Shanley, John (circa 1837 - 1916)
Skinnion, Maria (before 1870 - )
Stenson, Maria (1882 - 1941)
Stenson, Thomas (before 1838 - 1894)
Tiernan, Anne (1882 - 1943)
Ward, Elizabeth (circa 1843 - between 1911 and 1916)
Whelan, Patrick (circa 1833 - 1887)
Wrynne, Patrick (1867 - )
Beirne, Peter (before 1836 - 1902)
Bohan, Catherine (circa 1852 - 1927)
Canning, John (circa 1831 - 1924)
Canning, Michael (1866 - 1957)
Costello, Edward (1868 - )
Curran, Michael (before 1856 - )
Delamore, Thomas (circa 1843 - 1900)
Donohoe, Elizabeth (1881 - )
Doran, Anne (circa 1851 - 1915)
Farrell, Mary (circa 1849 - 1936)
Flynn, Thomas (before 1853 - 1932)
Foye, James (1866 - 1944)
Gill, Margaret (before 1858 - 1958)
Golden, Bridget (circa 1848 - 1924)
Golden, Bridget Mary (before 1873 - 1946)
Guckian, Francis (1866 - 1946)
Hegarty, James (1874 - 1911)
Keegan, Jane (1873 - )
Keegan, Mary Anne (1871 - 1943)
Kennedy, Peter (circa 1835 - 1891)
MacGerril, Marianne (before 1847 - )
McGirl, John (1876 - 1911)
McGovern, Bridget (circa 1841 - 1923)
McGuinness, Peter (circa 1841 - 1912)
McKeon, Bridget (circa 1842 - 1934)
McKeon, Catherine (circa 1848 - 1913)
McKeon, Mary Ellen (1878 - )
McNulty, Peter (1864 - 1944)
McWeeney, James (circa 1879 - )
Melia, Catherine (circa 1860 - 1926)
Murphy, John (before 1859 - 1926)
Murray, James (circa 1855 - 1933)
O'Beirne, Francis (1868 - 1940)
Reynolds, Bridget (1869 - 1950)
Reynolds, Maria (before 1872 - 1896)
Reynolds, Thomas (circa 1866 - )
Rodican, Anne (1876 - 1922)
Shanley, Bridget (1874 - )
Shanley, John (circa 1837 - 1916)
Skinnion, Maria (before 1870 - )
Stenson, Maria (1882 - 1941)
Stenson, Thomas (before 1838 - 1894)
Tiernan, Anne (1882 - 1943)
Ward, Elizabeth (circa 1843 - between 1911 and 1916)
Whelan, Patrick (circa 1833 - 1887)
Wrynne, Patrick (1867 - )
MacManus, Mary (1873 - 1948)
Drumineigh Glebe
Booth, Catherine (1873 - 1958)
Booth, Elenor (1871 - )
Booth, Margaret (1879 - 1953)
Booth, William (1877 - 1967)
Booth, Elenor (1871 - )
Booth, Margaret (1879 - 1953)
Booth, William (1877 - 1967)
Rorke, James (circa 1837 - 1892)
Bohan, John William (1897 - )
Donohoe, Bridget Mary (1912 - )
Donohoe, Elizabeth (1881 - )
MacWeeney, Thomas (1878 - )
MacWeeney, Thomas (1919 - )
Donohoe, Bridget Mary (1912 - )
Donohoe, Elizabeth (1881 - )
MacWeeney, Thomas (1878 - )
MacWeeney, Thomas (1919 - )
Flynn, John (1878 - )
MacQueeny, Elizabeth (1895 - )
MacQueeny, John (1890 - )
MacQueeny, Mary Ellen (1891 - )
MacQueeny, Rose Anne (1893 - )
MacQueeny, Elizabeth (1895 - )
MacQueeny, John (1890 - )
MacQueeny, Mary Ellen (1891 - )
MacQueeny, Rose Anne (1893 - )
Keshcarrigan Village
Beirne, Mary (1894 - 1923)
Fanning, Dominick (1894 - 1952)
Kivlehan, Anne Marie (1899 - 1900)
Kivlehan, Eugene (1897 - )
Kivlehan, Frederick (1900 - )
Kivlehan, John James (1893 - )
Kivlehan, Joseph (1902 - )
Kivlehan, Katherine Josephine (1895 - )
Kivlehan, Patrick Joseph (1891 - )
Fanning, Dominick (1894 - 1952)
Kivlehan, Anne Marie (1899 - 1900)
Kivlehan, Eugene (1897 - )
Kivlehan, Frederick (1900 - )
Kivlehan, John James (1893 - )
Kivlehan, Joseph (1902 - )
Kivlehan, Katherine Josephine (1895 - )
Kivlehan, Patrick Joseph (1891 - )
Kiltubrid R.C. Parish
Bohan, Bernard (before 1858 - 1949)
Canning, James (1874 - )
Canning, Loughlin (1880 - 1947)
Carroll, Maria A (1892 - )
Colreavy, Michael (circa 1817 - 1879)
Doherty, Maria (between 1845 and 1858 - 1918)
Doherty, Thomas (before 1847 - 1916)
Donnelly, Daniel (before 1836 - )
Duignan, Catherine (circa 1863 - 1894)
Fanning, Bridget (before 1858 - 1927)
Flynn, Elizabeth (1879 - )
Flynn, Margaret (circa 1833 - 1869)
Gill, John (circa 1818 - 1898)
Gill, Margaret (before 1858 - 1958)
Golden, Bridget Mary (before 1873 - 1946)
Healy, James (before 1852 - 1921)
Kane, Catherine (circa 1837 - 1907)
Leddy, Farrell (before 1857 - 1907)
MacDonagh, Rose (between 1845 and 1854 - 1941)
MacNaboola, Ellen (before 1857 - 1912)
McKeon, Anne (before 1841 - 1889)
McKeon, Margaret (circa 1834 - 1872)
McLoughlin, Mary Anne (1887 - 1959)
McLoughlin, Michael (circa 1843 - 1924)
Meehan, Anne (circa 1849 - 1913)
O'Neill, Catherine (before 1852 - )
Reilly, Maria (before 1835 - 1892)
Reilly, Peter (before 1857 - 1944)
Reynolds, James (circa 1834 - 1895)
Reynolds, John (between 1841 and 1845 - )
Reynolds, Thomas (1892 - )
Rogers, Michael (before 1850 - 1931)
Stenson, Patrick (before 1846 - 1922)
Tiernan, Bernard (circa 1823 - 1901)
Canning, James (1874 - )
Canning, Loughlin (1880 - 1947)
Carroll, Maria A (1892 - )
Colreavy, Michael (circa 1817 - 1879)
Doherty, Maria (between 1845 and 1858 - 1918)
Doherty, Thomas (before 1847 - 1916)
Donnelly, Daniel (before 1836 - )
Duignan, Catherine (circa 1863 - 1894)
Fanning, Bridget (before 1858 - 1927)
Flynn, Elizabeth (1879 - )
Flynn, Margaret (circa 1833 - 1869)
Gill, John (circa 1818 - 1898)
Gill, Margaret (before 1858 - 1958)
Golden, Bridget Mary (before 1873 - 1946)
Healy, James (before 1852 - 1921)
Kane, Catherine (circa 1837 - 1907)
Leddy, Farrell (before 1857 - 1907)
MacDonagh, Rose (between 1845 and 1854 - 1941)
MacNaboola, Ellen (before 1857 - 1912)
McKeon, Anne (before 1841 - 1889)
McKeon, Margaret (circa 1834 - 1872)
McLoughlin, Mary Anne (1887 - 1959)
McLoughlin, Michael (circa 1843 - 1924)
Meehan, Anne (circa 1849 - 1913)
O'Neill, Catherine (before 1852 - )
Reilly, Maria (before 1835 - 1892)
Reilly, Peter (before 1857 - 1944)
Reynolds, James (circa 1834 - 1895)
Reynolds, John (between 1841 and 1845 - )
Reynolds, Thomas (1892 - )
Rogers, Michael (before 1850 - 1931)
Stenson, Patrick (before 1846 - 1922)
Tiernan, Bernard (circa 1823 - 1901)
Doherty, Thomas (before 1847 - 1916)
Rodican, Anne (1876 - 1922)
Moher (Gregg)
Doherty, Maria (between 1845 and 1858 - 1918)
McNulty, Henry (1889 - 1947)
Rodgers, Hannah (1906 - )
Rodgers, Mary Kate (1904 - )
Shanley, Bridget (1874 - )
Ward, Elizabeth (circa 1843 - between 1911 and 1916)
McNulty, Henry (1889 - 1947)
Rodgers, Hannah (1906 - )
Rodgers, Mary Kate (1904 - )
Shanley, Bridget (1874 - )
Ward, Elizabeth (circa 1843 - between 1911 and 1916)
Reynolds, Bridget (1869 - 1950)
Seltan McDonald
Canning, Annie (1919 - )
Canning, Charles (1917 - )
Canning, John Thomas (1915 - )
Flynn, Elizabeth (1879 - )
Flynn, Frances (1904 - )
Canning, Charles (1917 - )
Canning, John Thomas (1915 - )
Flynn, Elizabeth (1879 - )
Flynn, Frances (1904 - )
Flynn, Anne (1907 - )
Flynn, Bridget (1904 - )
Flynn, Francis (1894 - )
Flynn, Mary Ellen (1902 - )
Flynn, Patrick (1899 - )
Flynn, Stephen (1891 - )
Flynn, Thomas (before 1853 - 1932)
Flynn, William (1895 - )
McKeon, Mary (1869 - 1934)
McKeon, Michael (1871 - )
Flynn, Bridget (1904 - )
Flynn, Francis (1894 - )
Flynn, Mary Ellen (1902 - )
Flynn, Patrick (1899 - )
Flynn, Stephen (1891 - )
Flynn, Thomas (before 1853 - 1932)
Flynn, William (1895 - )
McKeon, Mary (1869 - 1934)
McKeon, Michael (1871 - )
Degnan, Charles (1883 - 1958)
Keenan, Michael (1864 - 1937)
Kinsale R.C. Church
Kinvara Road
Mulligan, Thomas (1888 - 1957)
McKeon, Mary (circa 1841 - 1897)
Cox, Thomas Daniel (1886 - )
Legga R.C. Church
Boyle, William (before 1860 - 1930)
Cunnion, Michael (circa 1860 - 1929)
Curran, Peter (circa 1851 - 1928)
Donohoe, Catherine (circa 1855 - 1932)
O'Beirne, Bridget (circa 1835 - 1916)
Rogan, James (circa 1820 - 1898)
Rourke, Catherine (before 1855 - 1894)
Taafe, Mary (circa 1856 - 1939)
Cunnion, Michael (circa 1860 - 1929)
Curran, Peter (circa 1851 - 1928)
Donohoe, Catherine (circa 1855 - 1932)
O'Beirne, Bridget (circa 1835 - 1916)
Rogan, James (circa 1820 - 1898)
Rourke, Catherine (before 1855 - 1894)
Taafe, Mary (circa 1856 - 1939)
Rogers, James (1906 - 1943)
St Joseph's Hospital
Rogan, Damien (1987 - 2015)
Long Island
Long Island National Cemetery
Nicholl, John (1921 - 1985)
Longford R.C.P.
Bridge Street
Brennan, Anne (circa 1825 - 1881)
Reilly, Elizabeth (before 1869 - 1941)
Vaughan, James (1916 - )
Vaughan, Mary Elizabeth (1918 - )
Vaughan, Thomas (1875 - 1952)
Vaughan, Thomas (1915 - )
Vaughan, James (1916 - )
Vaughan, Mary Elizabeth (1918 - )
Vaughan, Thomas (1875 - 1952)
Vaughan, Thomas (1915 - )
Longford town
Geelan, James (before 1847 - 1903)
Kirran, Michael (circa 1840 - 1909)
Scully, Edward (1886 - )
Scully, James (1885 - )
Shaw, Margaret (before 1837 - 1922)
Kirran, Michael (circa 1840 - 1909)
Scully, Edward (1886 - )
Scully, James (1885 - )
Shaw, Margaret (before 1837 - 1922)
Longford Workhouse
Loughduff R.C. Church
Kilrane, Francis (circa 1848 - 1895)
Main Street
Faughnan, Margaret (1903 - 1953)
Marlborough Street
Brennan, Mary (before 1918 - )
Connor, Bernard (1871 - 1931)
Faughnan, Andrew (1897 - )
Manning, Mary (before 1849 - 1924)
Noud, Peter (circa 1844 - 1906)
O'Brien, Myles (before 1916 - )
Reynolds, Celia (1890 - 1979)
Sharkey, Rose (1910 - )
Connor, Bernard (1871 - 1931)
Faughnan, Andrew (1897 - )
Manning, Mary (before 1849 - 1924)
Noud, Peter (circa 1844 - 1906)
O'Brien, Myles (before 1916 - )
Reynolds, Celia (1890 - 1979)
Sharkey, Rose (1910 - )
Mater Hospital
Meath Hospital
Thornton, Ida Margaret (1915 - 1943)
Mercer's Hospital
Booth, Thomas (1885 - 1968)
Merrion Road
St Vincent's Hospital
Methodist Church, Mohill
Mohill R.C.P.
Baxter, Bridget (before 1851 - )
Baxter, John (before 1846 - )
Baxter, Maria (before 1860 - 1894)
Baxter, Mary (before 1847 - before 1860)
Baxter, Michael (before 1853 - 1929)
Baxter, Michael (before 1858 - 1931)
Baxter, Patrick (before 1856 - )
Baxter, Samuel (before 1856 - 1900)
Baxter, Thomas (before 1863 - )
Bimbo, Anne (before 1850 - )
Bimbo, Maria (before 1851 - 1922)
Bimbo, Michael (before 1845 - 1934)
Bimbo, Owen (before 1848 - 1927)
Blake, Francis (before 1846 - 1875)
Blake, John (before 1894 - )
Blake, Margaret (before 1851 - )
Blake, Michael (before 1838 - )
Blake, Thomas (before 1843 - )
Bohan, Ann (before 1846 - )
Bohan, Bridget (before 1854 - )
Bohan, Catherine (before 1842 - before 1850)
Bohan, Catherine (before 1850 - )
Bohan, Catherine (before 1860 - before 1868)
Bohan, Charles (before 1897 - )
Bohan, Cormick (before 1779 - 1844)
Bohan, Elizabeth (before 1856 - )
Bohan, Ellen (before 1844 - )
Bohan, Ellen (before 1857 - )
Bohan, Francis (before 1852 - )
Bohan, Francis (before 1859 - )
Bohan, Francis (before 1862 - )
Bohan, James (before 1841 - 1919)
Bohan, James (before 1852 - )
Bohan, John (before 1855 - )
Bohan, John (before 1859 - )
Bohan, John (before 1859 - )
Bohan, Mary (before 1856 - )
Bohan, Mary Anne (before 1863 - 1934)
Bohan, Michael (circa 1816 - before 1877)
Bohan, Michael (before 1855 - )
Bohan, Michael (before 1856 - 1918)
Bohan, Michael (before 1857 - )
Bohan, Michael (before 1858 - before 1869)
Bohan, Patrick (before 1853 - )
Bohan, Patrick (before 1864 - 1894)
Bohan, Peter (before 1849 - )
Bohan, Peter (before 1860 - )
Bohan, Susan (before 1858 - )
Bohan, Thomas (before 1844 - )
Booley, John (before 1822 - before 1857)
Booley, Patrick (before 1883 - before 1888)
Boyle, Elizabeth (before 1853 - before 1863)
Boyle, Elizabeth Ann (before 1863 - )
Boyle, James (before 1857 - )
Boyle, Jane (before 1883 - )
Boyle, John (before 1855 - )
Boyle, Kate (1887 - )
Boyle, Margaret (before 1863 - )
Boyle, Thomas (before 1858 - )
Boyle, Thomas (before 1861 - 1866)
Boyle, William (before 1860 - 1930)
Boyle, Winifred (before 1875 - )
Bruen, Anne (before 1861 - 1930)
Bruen, John (before 1854 - before 1900)
Bruen, Mary (before 1858 - 1931)
Bruen, Michael (before 1852 - )
Burns, Bridget (before 1842 - )
Burns, John (before 1849 - 1907)
Burns, Mary (before 1843 - )
Burns, Patrick (before 1851 - 1943)
Canning, Bridget (before 1856 - 1937)
Canning, Ellen (before 1861 - )
Canning, Francis (before 1856 - )
Canning, John (before 1861 - )
Canning, Mary (before 1860 - )
Canning, Mary (before 1863 - )
Canning, Mary Anne (before 1867 - )
Canning, Michael (before 1858 - )
Canning, Michael (before 1859 - )
Carroll, Mary (before 1836 - )
Carroll, Winifred (before 1845 - 1922)
Casey, Bartholomew (before 1851 - 1914)
Casey, Bartholomew (before 1851 - 1914)
Casey, Denis (before 1844 - )
Casey, James (before 1846 - 1870)
Casey, Martin (before 1853 - )
Casey, Michael (before 1848 - 1930)
Casey, Michael (before 1879 - )
Casey, Patrick (before 1857 - 1872)
Casey, Thomas (before 1841 - )
Cassells, Ann (before 1856 - )
Cassells, Anne (before 1857 - 1941)
Cassells, Bernard (before 1857 - )
Cassells, John (before 1855 - 1925)
Cassells, Mary Anne (before 1859 - )
Cassells, Patrick (before 1842 - 1883)
Cassells, Patrick (before 1854 - )
Cassells, Patrick (before 1855 - 1882)
Cassells, Thomas (before 1846 - )
Cassells, Thomas (before 1856 - )
Cassells, Thomas (before 1859 - )
Clarke, Anne (before 1854 - )
Clarke, Bridget (before 1847 - 1867)
Clarke, Ellen (before 1840 - before 1845)
Clarke, Ellen (before 1845 - 1880)
Clarke, Francis (before 1843 - )
Clarke, John (before 1851 - )
Clarke, Mary (before 1849 - 1929)
Clarke, Patrick (before 1857 - )
Clyne, Michael (before 1853 - 1929)
Clyne, Patrick (before 1874 - 1874)
Colreavy, Eugene (circa 1842 - circa 1897)
Colreavy, James (circa 1798 - 1858)
Colreavy, James (circa 1831 - 1894)
Colreavy, John (circa 1813 - 1863)
Colreavy, Michael (circa 1817 - 1879)
Conboy, Henry (before 1857 - before 1950)
Conboy, James (before 1894 - 1896)
Conboy, John (before 1877 - )
Conefrey, Bridget (1876 - )
Conefrey, Francis (1884 - 1886)
Conefrey, John (1801? - 1854)
Conefrey, John William (1873 - 1885)
Conefrey, John William (1885 - )
Conefrey, Matthew (1882 - )
Conefrey, Peter (1880 - )
Conefrey, Sarah Anne (1874 - )
Costello, Anne (before 1851 - )
Costello, Bee (before 1858 - )
Costello, Bridget (before 1858 - 1949)
Costello, Catherine (before 1883 - 1959)
Costello, James (before 1860 - )
Costello, James (before 1863 - )
Costello, Mary Anne (before 1854 - 1892)
Costello, Mary Anne (before 1855 - )
Costello, Michael (before 1852 - )
Costello, Patrick (before 1863 - )
Costello, Sarah (before 1856 - 1934)
Costello, William (before 1857 - 1935)
Courtney, Mary (circa 1894 - )
Courtney, Patrick (1900 - 1900)
Cox, Bridget (before 1841 - 1900)
Crowe, Isabella (before 1832 - 1910)
Crowe, Lewis Peter (before 1834 - )
Cumiskey, Bridget (before 1879 - )
Deacon, Catherine (before 1852 - )
Deacon, James (before 1844 - )
Deacon, Rose Anne (before 1855 - )
Deacon, Thomas (before 1845 - )
Deacon, William (before 1858 - before 1860)
Deacon, William (before 1860 - )
Deignan, Catherine (before 1842 - 1896)
Devine, Theresa Frances (1936 - circa 2006)
Diffley, Elizabeth (before 1855 - before 1856)
Diffley, Ellen (between 1845 and 1850 - )
Dobson, Bridget (before 1859 - )
Dobson, Elizabeth (before 1855 - )
Dobson, Ellen (before 1861 - )
Dobson, Margaret (before 1851 - 1915)
Dobson, Rose Anne (before 1853 - )
Doonan, Bridget (before 1838 - 1914)
Doonan, Michael (before 1843 - 1903)
Doyle, Edward (circa 1806 - 1868)
Doyle, James (circa 1805 - 1891)
Doyle, James (before 1806 - 1846)
Doyle, James (before 1819 - 1860)
Doyle, John (before 1840 - 1920)
Doyle, Michael (circa 1821 - 1894)
Doyle, Patrick (circa 1807 - 1884)
Duignan, Bridget (before 1838 - )
Duignan, Bridget (before 1871 - )
Duignan, Catherine (before 1839 - )
Duignan, Catherine (before 1860 - )
Duignan, Charles (before 1854 - )
Duignan, Elizabeth (before 1858 - )
Duignan, Francis (before 1859 - )
Duignan, John (before 1865 - )
Duignan, Margaret (before 1862 - )
Duignan, Mary (before 1842 - 1878)
Duignan, Mary (before 1855 - 1866)
Duignan, Patrick (before 1851 - 1894)
Duignan, Thomas (before 1856 - )
Duignan, Thomas (before 1856 - 1915)
Dunne, Eliza Mary (1883 - 1883)
Egan, Ellen (before 1841 - )
Egan, Francis (before 1843 - )
Egan, Jane (before 1850 - )
Egan, John (1857 - )
Egan, Patrick (before 1853 - )
Egan, Rose (before 1847 - )
Ellis, Bridget Monica (1910 - )
Ellis, Elizabeth Josephine (1908 - )
Ellis, Hugh (before 1847 - 1879)
Ellis, James (before 1840 - before 1901)
Ellis, John Joseph (1903 - )
Ellis, Margaret Mary (1904 - )
Ellis, Patrick (before 1841 - 1910)
Ellis, Richard (before 1844 - 1912)
Ellis, Thomas William (1906 - )
Fanning, Bridget (between 1875 and 1876 - )
Fanning, Catherine (1865 - 1866)
Fanning, Elizabeth (1864 - 1869)
Fanning, Hugh (1867 - 1945)
Fanning, Mary Anne (before 1870 - )
Faughnan, Bridget (before 1840 - )
Faughnan, Bridget (before 1849 - 1927)
Faughnan, Ellen (before 1845 - 1918)
Faughnan, James (before 1854 - )
Faughnan, John (before 1794 - 1840)
Faughnan, John (before 1840 - )
Faughnan, Margaret (before 1860 - )
Faughnan, Mary (before 1842 - 1898)
Faughnan, Mary (before 1843 - before 1860)
Faughnan, Mary Anne (before 1858 - )
Faughnan, Michael (before 1849 - 1871)
Faughnan, Michael (before 1861 - 1869)
Faughnan, Patrick (before 1844 - 1924)
Faughnan, Patrick (before 1853 - )
Faughnan, Patrick (before 1853 - before 1933)
Faughnan, Teresa (before 1843 - )
Finnegan, William (before 1838 - )
Flynn, Anne (before 1863 - )
Flynn, Bernard (before 1842 - )
Flynn, Bridget (before 1838 - )
Flynn, Bridget (before 1867 - 1882)
Flynn, Catherine (before 1855 - 1935)
Flynn, Charles (before 1849 - )
Flynn, Charles (before 1851 - 1876)
Flynn, Charles (before 1855 - )
Flynn, Daniel (before 1857 - )
Flynn, Ellen (before 1854 - )
Flynn, Ellen (before 1856 - 1914)
Flynn, Ellen (before 1861 - 1940)
Flynn, James (before 1849 - 1921)
Flynn, James (before 1858 - )
Flynn, John (before 1856 - )
Flynn, John (before 1859 - 1870)
Flynn, Marcel (before 1871 - 1896)
Flynn, Margaret (before 1849 - 1928)
Flynn, Mary Ann (before 1861 - )
Flynn, Mary Jane (1863 - )
Flynn, Michael (before 1862 - )
Flynn, Michael (before 1863 - )
Flynn, Patrick (before 1851 - before 1858)
Flynn, Patrick (before 1858 - )
Flynn, Patrick (before 1859 - )
Flynn, Patrick (before 1860 - )
Flynn, Peter (before 1856 - )
Flynn, Rose (before 1845 - 1914)
Flynn, Stephen (before 1857 - 1935)
Flynn, Thomas (before 1853 - 1932)
Flynn, Thomas (before 1861 - 1877)
Flynn, William (before 1853 - )
Flynn, William (before 1855 - before 1856)
Flynn, William (before 1855 - )
Flynn, William (before 1856 - )
Foley, Bartholomew (before 1871 - )
Foley, Bartholomew (before 1871 - )
Foley, Elizabeth (before 1861 - 1912)
Foley, Elizabeth (before 1875 - )
Foley, James (before 1856 - )
Foley, John (before 1863 - before 1868)
Foley, Margaret (before 1877 - before 1878)
Foley, Mary (1858 - )
Foley, Michael (before 1860 - )
Fox, Mary (before 1837 - )
Fox, Peter (before 1844 - )
Fox, Timothy (before 1882 - )
Foye, Mary Catherine (before 1895 - )
Gallagher, Ann (circa 1861 - 1901)
Gallagher, Anne (before 1853 - )
Gallagher, Edward (before 1853 - 1909)
Gallagher, James (before 1848 - 1897)
Gallagher, James (before 1856 - )
Gallagher, James (before 1857 - )
Gallagher, Patrick (before 1859 - )
Gallagher, Peter (before 1854 - )
Gallagher, Peter (before 1854 - 1921)
Ganly, William (before 1832 - )
Geelan, Ellen (before 1836 - )
Geelan, Mary (circa 1795 - circa 1840)
Geelan, Michael (before 1838 - )
Geelan, Michael (before 1859 - )
Geelan, Peter (before 1861 - )
Gilchrist, Anne (before 1861 - 1937)
Gilchrist, Thomas (before 1853 - 1937)
Gildea, Mary (before 1869 - )
Gray, Bridget (before 1863 - )
Gray, Mary Anne (before 1860 - )
Gray, Peter (before 1859 - )
Guckian, Ellen (before 1811 - )
Baxter, John (before 1846 - )
Baxter, Maria (before 1860 - 1894)
Baxter, Mary (before 1847 - before 1860)
Baxter, Michael (before 1853 - 1929)
Baxter, Michael (before 1858 - 1931)
Baxter, Patrick (before 1856 - )
Baxter, Samuel (before 1856 - 1900)
Baxter, Thomas (before 1863 - )
Bimbo, Anne (before 1850 - )
Bimbo, Maria (before 1851 - 1922)
Bimbo, Michael (before 1845 - 1934)
Bimbo, Owen (before 1848 - 1927)
Blake, Francis (before 1846 - 1875)
Blake, John (before 1894 - )
Blake, Margaret (before 1851 - )
Blake, Michael (before 1838 - )
Blake, Thomas (before 1843 - )
Bohan, Ann (before 1846 - )
Bohan, Bridget (before 1854 - )
Bohan, Catherine (before 1842 - before 1850)
Bohan, Catherine (before 1850 - )
Bohan, Catherine (before 1860 - before 1868)
Bohan, Charles (before 1897 - )
Bohan, Cormick (before 1779 - 1844)
Bohan, Elizabeth (before 1856 - )
Bohan, Ellen (before 1844 - )
Bohan, Ellen (before 1857 - )
Bohan, Francis (before 1852 - )
Bohan, Francis (before 1859 - )
Bohan, Francis (before 1862 - )
Bohan, James (before 1841 - 1919)
Bohan, James (before 1852 - )
Bohan, John (before 1855 - )
Bohan, John (before 1859 - )
Bohan, John (before 1859 - )
Bohan, Mary (before 1856 - )
Bohan, Mary Anne (before 1863 - 1934)
Bohan, Michael (circa 1816 - before 1877)
Bohan, Michael (before 1855 - )
Bohan, Michael (before 1856 - 1918)
Bohan, Michael (before 1857 - )
Bohan, Michael (before 1858 - before 1869)
Bohan, Patrick (before 1853 - )
Bohan, Patrick (before 1864 - 1894)
Bohan, Peter (before 1849 - )
Bohan, Peter (before 1860 - )
Bohan, Susan (before 1858 - )
Bohan, Thomas (before 1844 - )
Booley, John (before 1822 - before 1857)
Booley, Patrick (before 1883 - before 1888)
Boyle, Elizabeth (before 1853 - before 1863)
Boyle, Elizabeth Ann (before 1863 - )
Boyle, James (before 1857 - )
Boyle, Jane (before 1883 - )
Boyle, John (before 1855 - )
Boyle, Kate (1887 - )
Boyle, Margaret (before 1863 - )
Boyle, Thomas (before 1858 - )
Boyle, Thomas (before 1861 - 1866)
Boyle, William (before 1860 - 1930)
Boyle, Winifred (before 1875 - )
Bruen, Anne (before 1861 - 1930)
Bruen, John (before 1854 - before 1900)
Bruen, Mary (before 1858 - 1931)
Bruen, Michael (before 1852 - )
Burns, Bridget (before 1842 - )
Burns, John (before 1849 - 1907)
Burns, Mary (before 1843 - )
Burns, Patrick (before 1851 - 1943)
Canning, Bridget (before 1856 - 1937)
Canning, Ellen (before 1861 - )
Canning, Francis (before 1856 - )
Canning, John (before 1861 - )
Canning, Mary (before 1860 - )
Canning, Mary (before 1863 - )
Canning, Mary Anne (before 1867 - )
Canning, Michael (before 1858 - )
Canning, Michael (before 1859 - )
Carroll, Mary (before 1836 - )
Carroll, Winifred (before 1845 - 1922)
Casey, Bartholomew (before 1851 - 1914)
Casey, Bartholomew (before 1851 - 1914)
Casey, Denis (before 1844 - )
Casey, James (before 1846 - 1870)
Casey, Martin (before 1853 - )
Casey, Michael (before 1848 - 1930)
Casey, Michael (before 1879 - )
Casey, Patrick (before 1857 - 1872)
Casey, Thomas (before 1841 - )
Cassells, Ann (before 1856 - )
Cassells, Anne (before 1857 - 1941)
Cassells, Bernard (before 1857 - )
Cassells, John (before 1855 - 1925)
Cassells, Mary Anne (before 1859 - )
Cassells, Patrick (before 1842 - 1883)
Cassells, Patrick (before 1854 - )
Cassells, Patrick (before 1855 - 1882)
Cassells, Thomas (before 1846 - )
Cassells, Thomas (before 1856 - )
Cassells, Thomas (before 1859 - )
Clarke, Anne (before 1854 - )
Clarke, Bridget (before 1847 - 1867)
Clarke, Ellen (before 1840 - before 1845)
Clarke, Ellen (before 1845 - 1880)
Clarke, Francis (before 1843 - )
Clarke, John (before 1851 - )
Clarke, Mary (before 1849 - 1929)
Clarke, Patrick (before 1857 - )
Clyne, Michael (before 1853 - 1929)
Clyne, Patrick (before 1874 - 1874)
Colreavy, Eugene (circa 1842 - circa 1897)
Colreavy, James (circa 1798 - 1858)
Colreavy, James (circa 1831 - 1894)
Colreavy, John (circa 1813 - 1863)
Colreavy, Michael (circa 1817 - 1879)
Conboy, Henry (before 1857 - before 1950)
Conboy, James (before 1894 - 1896)
Conboy, John (before 1877 - )
Conefrey, Bridget (1876 - )
Conefrey, Francis (1884 - 1886)
Conefrey, John (1801? - 1854)
Conefrey, John William (1873 - 1885)
Conefrey, John William (1885 - )
Conefrey, Matthew (1882 - )
Conefrey, Peter (1880 - )
Conefrey, Sarah Anne (1874 - )
Costello, Anne (before 1851 - )
Costello, Bee (before 1858 - )
Costello, Bridget (before 1858 - 1949)
Costello, Catherine (before 1883 - 1959)
Costello, James (before 1860 - )
Costello, James (before 1863 - )
Costello, Mary Anne (before 1854 - 1892)
Costello, Mary Anne (before 1855 - )
Costello, Michael (before 1852 - )
Costello, Patrick (before 1863 - )
Costello, Sarah (before 1856 - 1934)
Costello, William (before 1857 - 1935)
Courtney, Mary (circa 1894 - )
Courtney, Patrick (1900 - 1900)
Cox, Bridget (before 1841 - 1900)
Crowe, Isabella (before 1832 - 1910)
Crowe, Lewis Peter (before 1834 - )
Cumiskey, Bridget (before 1879 - )
Deacon, Catherine (before 1852 - )
Deacon, James (before 1844 - )
Deacon, Rose Anne (before 1855 - )
Deacon, Thomas (before 1845 - )
Deacon, William (before 1858 - before 1860)
Deacon, William (before 1860 - )
Deignan, Catherine (before 1842 - 1896)
Devine, Theresa Frances (1936 - circa 2006)
Diffley, Elizabeth (before 1855 - before 1856)
Diffley, Ellen (between 1845 and 1850 - )
Dobson, Bridget (before 1859 - )
Dobson, Elizabeth (before 1855 - )
Dobson, Ellen (before 1861 - )
Dobson, Margaret (before 1851 - 1915)
Dobson, Rose Anne (before 1853 - )
Doonan, Bridget (before 1838 - 1914)
Doonan, Michael (before 1843 - 1903)
Doyle, Edward (circa 1806 - 1868)
Doyle, James (circa 1805 - 1891)
Doyle, James (before 1806 - 1846)
Doyle, James (before 1819 - 1860)
Doyle, John (before 1840 - 1920)
Doyle, Michael (circa 1821 - 1894)
Doyle, Patrick (circa 1807 - 1884)
Duignan, Bridget (before 1838 - )
Duignan, Bridget (before 1871 - )
Duignan, Catherine (before 1839 - )
Duignan, Catherine (before 1860 - )
Duignan, Charles (before 1854 - )
Duignan, Elizabeth (before 1858 - )
Duignan, Francis (before 1859 - )
Duignan, John (before 1865 - )
Duignan, Margaret (before 1862 - )
Duignan, Mary (before 1842 - 1878)
Duignan, Mary (before 1855 - 1866)
Duignan, Patrick (before 1851 - 1894)
Duignan, Thomas (before 1856 - )
Duignan, Thomas (before 1856 - 1915)
Dunne, Eliza Mary (1883 - 1883)
Egan, Ellen (before 1841 - )
Egan, Francis (before 1843 - )
Egan, Jane (before 1850 - )
Egan, John (1857 - )
Egan, Patrick (before 1853 - )
Egan, Rose (before 1847 - )
Ellis, Bridget Monica (1910 - )
Ellis, Elizabeth Josephine (1908 - )
Ellis, Hugh (before 1847 - 1879)
Ellis, James (before 1840 - before 1901)
Ellis, John Joseph (1903 - )
Ellis, Margaret Mary (1904 - )
Ellis, Patrick (before 1841 - 1910)
Ellis, Richard (before 1844 - 1912)
Ellis, Thomas William (1906 - )
Fanning, Bridget (between 1875 and 1876 - )
Fanning, Catherine (1865 - 1866)
Fanning, Elizabeth (1864 - 1869)
Fanning, Hugh (1867 - 1945)
Fanning, Mary Anne (before 1870 - )
Faughnan, Bridget (before 1840 - )
Faughnan, Bridget (before 1849 - 1927)
Faughnan, Ellen (before 1845 - 1918)
Faughnan, James (before 1854 - )
Faughnan, John (before 1794 - 1840)
Faughnan, John (before 1840 - )
Faughnan, Margaret (before 1860 - )
Faughnan, Mary (before 1842 - 1898)
Faughnan, Mary (before 1843 - before 1860)
Faughnan, Mary Anne (before 1858 - )
Faughnan, Michael (before 1849 - 1871)
Faughnan, Michael (before 1861 - 1869)
Faughnan, Patrick (before 1844 - 1924)
Faughnan, Patrick (before 1853 - )
Faughnan, Patrick (before 1853 - before 1933)
Faughnan, Teresa (before 1843 - )
Finnegan, William (before 1838 - )
Flynn, Anne (before 1863 - )
Flynn, Bernard (before 1842 - )
Flynn, Bridget (before 1838 - )
Flynn, Bridget (before 1867 - 1882)
Flynn, Catherine (before 1855 - 1935)
Flynn, Charles (before 1849 - )
Flynn, Charles (before 1851 - 1876)
Flynn, Charles (before 1855 - )
Flynn, Daniel (before 1857 - )
Flynn, Ellen (before 1854 - )
Flynn, Ellen (before 1856 - 1914)
Flynn, Ellen (before 1861 - 1940)
Flynn, James (before 1849 - 1921)
Flynn, James (before 1858 - )
Flynn, John (before 1856 - )
Flynn, John (before 1859 - 1870)
Flynn, Marcel (before 1871 - 1896)
Flynn, Margaret (before 1849 - 1928)
Flynn, Mary Ann (before 1861 - )
Flynn, Mary Jane (1863 - )
Flynn, Michael (before 1862 - )
Flynn, Michael (before 1863 - )
Flynn, Patrick (before 1851 - before 1858)
Flynn, Patrick (before 1858 - )
Flynn, Patrick (before 1859 - )
Flynn, Patrick (before 1860 - )
Flynn, Peter (before 1856 - )
Flynn, Rose (before 1845 - 1914)
Flynn, Stephen (before 1857 - 1935)
Flynn, Thomas (before 1853 - 1932)
Flynn, Thomas (before 1861 - 1877)
Flynn, William (before 1853 - )
Flynn, William (before 1855 - before 1856)
Flynn, William (before 1855 - )
Flynn, William (before 1856 - )
Foley, Bartholomew (before 1871 - )
Foley, Bartholomew (before 1871 - )
Foley, Elizabeth (before 1861 - 1912)
Foley, Elizabeth (before 1875 - )
Foley, James (before 1856 - )
Foley, John (before 1863 - before 1868)
Foley, Margaret (before 1877 - before 1878)
Foley, Mary (1858 - )
Foley, Michael (before 1860 - )
Fox, Mary (before 1837 - )
Fox, Peter (before 1844 - )
Fox, Timothy (before 1882 - )
Foye, Mary Catherine (before 1895 - )
Gallagher, Ann (circa 1861 - 1901)
Gallagher, Anne (before 1853 - )
Gallagher, Edward (before 1853 - 1909)
Gallagher, James (before 1848 - 1897)
Gallagher, James (before 1856 - )
Gallagher, James (before 1857 - )
Gallagher, Patrick (before 1859 - )
Gallagher, Peter (before 1854 - )
Gallagher, Peter (before 1854 - 1921)
Ganly, William (before 1832 - )
Geelan, Ellen (before 1836 - )
Geelan, Mary (circa 1795 - circa 1840)
Geelan, Michael (before 1838 - )
Geelan, Michael (before 1859 - )
Geelan, Peter (before 1861 - )
Gilchrist, Anne (before 1861 - 1937)
Gilchrist, Thomas (before 1853 - 1937)
Gildea, Mary (before 1869 - )
Gray, Bridget (before 1863 - )
Gray, Mary Anne (before 1860 - )
Gray, Peter (before 1859 - )
Guckian, Ellen (before 1811 - )