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O'Beirne O'Brien O'Byrne O'Callaghan O'Connell O'Connor O'Doherty O'Donaghoe O'Donoghue O'Donohoe O'Donohue O'Dowd O'Farrell O'Hagan O'Herlihy O'Houlihan O'KEEfE O'Reilly O'Roarke O'Rorke O'Rourke O'Sullivan Oates Oats
Padden Padian Phelan
Redahan Redehan Reilly Roarke Rodahan Rodgers Rodican Rodoughan Rogers Rorke Rourke Rowley Rowly Rynn
Scally Scanlan Scanlon Scollan Scollen Scollin Scollon Scully Shanaghy Shanahan Shanley Shanly Sheridan Short Shortt Smith Smyth Soraghan Sorahan Sorohan Sullivan Sweeney
Tague Tait Tate Teague Tegarty Teggarty Ternan Tiernan Toohill Toole Trainor Traynor Turbert Turbett Turbitt
Wade Walsh Welsh Whelan Whitelaw Whitelow Whitlow Wood Woods Wren Wrenn Wrinn Wrynn Wrynne